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Adoption of Technologies like the Internet of Things and Nanotechnology Spur the Market Growth

   July 9, 2021

Environmental monitoring is the systematic sampling of air, water, soil, noise, and biota to characterize and monitor the quality of the environment. Monitoring is done to prepare environmental impact assessment reports, establish environmental baselines, trends, and cumulative effects, test environmental modeling processes, educate the public about environmental conditions, and ensure compliance with environmental regulations.

With regards to the rising concerns of environmental degradation, governments and regional associations across the globe are taking measures to accelerate their investments towards becoming low carbon and building an environmentally sustainable economy. Various green investment banks (GIBs) like U.K. Green Investment Bank, Malaysian Green Technology Corporation (GreenTech Malaysia), Connecticut Green Bank, Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC), and California CLEEN Center have started their investment and funding for projects having the potential to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and maintain the environmental sustainability.

These government regulations and policies play a key role in determining and improving the environment. There are internationally agreed environmental policies to address global concerns, such as air pollution, water pollution, managing hazardous wastes, and climate change. However, as no single policy can provide solutions to all problems, the spectrum of policies has broadened gradually to address the increasingly complex environmental issues to meet the emission reduction targets in the coming years. Monitoring of pollutants is important to understand the impact of policies. If the level of pollutants is increasing, it is implied that the policies put forth are not having a strong impact on their control. The monitoring station is meant for monitoring the concentration of pollutants at various periods. These make use of environmental monitoring products like sensors, monitors, software, and others.

With the technological advancements, there has been increased adoption of environmental monitoring products. The use of IoT technologies and nanotechnology are providing an opportunity for the environmental monitoring market. IoT involves online monitoring of water quality, air pollutant concentrations indoors and outdoors, precipitations, and any other environmental parameter affecting people’s safety and environment. IoT sensors give accurate real-time data on various environmental parameters and improve overall environmental conditions. IoT environmental monitoring provides a simple but powerful capability to interconnect different kinds of devices and applications worldwide. Nanotechnology deals with matter at dimensions within 1–100 nm. Nanomaterials can act as adsorbents, catalysts, and sensors due to their large specific surface areas and high reactivities. Nanotechnology plays a significant role in sensing pollutants by improving sensors specificity. Nanosensors are being used to detect several toxic compounds at ppm and ppb levels in different environmental systems.

IoT environmental monitoring provides a simple but powerful capability to interconnect different kinds of devices and applications worldwide. Thus, the use of IoT to get real-time data and systematically collect huge data to analyze it further makes environmental monitoring more feasible. This is leading to the growth of the environmental monitoring market at CAGR of ~7.0% to reach $25.95 billion by 2028, according to the Meticulous Research®

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